Collection: Nosebands

Whatever noseband you are looking for for your horse, you will undoubtedly find the most suitable noseband from a top brand in our webshop. Would you like to know more about nosebands? Then read on at the bottom of the page. Do you have questions? Please feel free to contact us.

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Types of nosebands

There are many different types of nosebands. With us you can choose a low noseband, high noseband, a single or double noseband, a combined noseband and a Mexican noseband. Which noseband you need often depends on your horse.

Drop noseband

The drop noseband runs in front of the bit and ensures that the bit stays in place. Even though this is a low noseband, it is important that it is not too low to prevent injuries to the nasal bone. This is a very sensitive part of the nose of a horse. For that reason, nosebands should never be too tight. A tight noseband causes injuries and breathing problems. Low nosebands are often used, especially for teaching young horses.

English noseband

This is also called an English noseband and is placed slightly below the cheekbones. The high noseband hinders your horse very little and gives your horse a lot of freedom to breathe properly, chew and relax the jaw. This noseband is the best choice when riding your horse with a leveraged bit such as a pelham or on a bar and snaffle bit. The operation of the bit is not hindered by the flash strap and a curb chain remains nicely free. This noseband is also required in hunter sections.

Combined noseband

The combined noseband is a combination of a noseband and a flash strap. The noseband itself sits slightly below the horse's cheekbones. The flash strap passes in front of the bit and ensures that the horse cannot open its mouth. This too should not be too tight to prevent the horse from having difficulty swallowing or not being able to accept the bit properly.

Mexican noseband

The Mexican noseband is widely used in jumping. This noseband runs crosswise over the horse's head and forms a kind of 8. When properly attached, this noseband only gives pressure on the nose when the horse opens its mouth.

Double noseband

This is a combination of a low noseband and a high noseband. This allows you to distribute the pressure for your horse, which is a lot more comfortable for horses looking for more balance. This noseband is also very suitable for strong horses and for horses that walk nicely on a low noseband but still need a little more support. This noseband is a good choice for more experienced riders.

Buy Nosebands at Horse Riders Classics

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